
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Transitional Period 13-20 days

Over the last few days, the puppies have entered a new stage in their developmental milestones. The 'Transitional Period' as it is called is characterized by increased sight, hearing, and motor development.

At 10 days old, Toffee was the first puppy to begin opening his eyes.
The puppies world is opening up and they will begin to investigate their surroundings, which up to now they have not concerned themselves.  It is important during this stage to continue to handle the puppies, and give them short periods of time away from the litter, to build their confidence and independence.

The first sign of this change occurred at day 10 when the first of the pups, Toffee, began to show signs that his eyes were opening.  Between day 10-15 the pups have slowly been opening their eyes.  As of today, the whole litter has their eyes opened.  Nonetheless, their sense of sight is still developing.  Studies have indicated that it is not until 28 days that the puppies will be clearly able to distinguish forms.  At this point the pups vision is blurred and fuzzy.
Scarlet has blue eyes...I think they will soon turn black.

As their eye sight improves their motor skills are also making major advancements.  Up to now they could crawl across the floor in a swimming motion, but they can not climb over a 2 inch lip in the door way of our puppy pen. This has been rather convenient, since we can leave the door open and Dixie can go in and out, without the puppies getting out.

As the puppies become stronger and learn to crawl over the entrance to a crate, I will change their living quarters to begin early potty training.  My next post will describe the beginning of early litter training.

Neonatal Period 1-13 days

Taco squirms along the floor towards his littermates.
The puppies have just come through the first important stage of their development, the "Neonatal Period".

During this stage the puppies have relied primarily on their sense of smell, they have spent most of their time sleeping, and the have been awake only to eat or squirm close to their litter mates for warmth.

Tigger is so sleepy he doesn't even wake up for his photo session.
The puppies have been living a quiet life, but nontheless, this is an important time for major brain development, preparing them for their next stage of increase motor ability.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Our Baby Girls! 10 days, 1 1/2 weeks

Here are our sleepy girls
Peaches n' Cream
Scarlet O'Hara
Peaches n. Cream

Here are our sweet little girls.  I tried to capture their faces and their individual colors.  The top photo will help you see the color variations best.  When the light is slightly different their coat color looks lighter or darker.  Ginger's pictures for instance seem lighter than she is in real life...the top photo is more accurate.  When the  pups are older we'll take our photos outdoors for the truest color.
  The puppies still have a lot of growing to do, and they will change considerably in the next few weeks.

Our Little Boys, 10 days, 1 1/2 weeks

Taco, stretches and yawns

I am so thrilled with the colors of this litter.  Isn't it amazing how we have the same color variations amongst the girls as the boys?  We have one deep red girl and boy, one medium red girl and boy, and one peachy girl and boy.  So if you can't decide between boy or girl, the colors certainly won't help you!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Almost 1 week old!

The puppies spend a lot of time sleeping, but when they are awake, they are wiggly as a worm.  It's hard to keep them still to take a picture.

 For the first 14 days of a puppies life, they live in silence and darkness.  They can neither hear, nor see.  Their ears and eyes are completely closed.  But their sense of smell is very keen and they are acutely aware of their surroundings.  They may be fast asleep in a heap, but as soon as the mother enters the whelping box, their is a whirl of activity amongst the puppies.  They know she is there!  They squirm along as best as they are able and find her cozy side in no time flat. 

Although the pups world is limited, it is still very important that they have human contact.  Even just holding them a few minutes begins their bonding with people.  We also have a blanket with people smells put in the box, so they are quite accustomed to the scent of humans since birth.

Today, the puppies weight check indicates gains of 3-4 oz since birth.  They range in weight from 11.3 - 14.2 oz. They are growing well.

Dixie never looks terribly comfortable as the puppies nurse with great enthusiasm.  But she is very patient and certainly puts her puppies well being above her own comfort.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

5 days old already!

At 5 days old, this puppy is much smaller than the picture indicates.
Wow!  I can't believe the puppies are already 5 days old!

Its actually quite a relief to me, because I worry so much about their health the first few days.  And Dixie too.  She is very protective of her babies.  She normally is pretty placid, but visitors had better watch out during these first few weeks.  She just doesn't want strangers around.

Yesterday I took the litter to the veterinary.  He removed their dew claws.  These are funny little claws on the side of their front legs.  They serve no purpose but the nails can grow long and need to be trimmed.  But worst of all if they get caught on the rug, they can injure a dog pretty painfully.  So breeders usually remove them during the first few days of a puppies life.

We did not 'dock' the tails of the puppies.  I've always hated to do that with my Mini Schnauzers.  When my vet said it really was unecessary, I opted out of that plan.  There is no 'breed standard' with the Schnoodle, so no one expects them to have a short stubby tail.  I think their families will enjoy seeing the tails wagging, throughout their lives.
During these first few weeks the puppies spend most of their time sleeping (with eating in between naps!)

And the best part of my trip to the vet was to hear him say that I had a very strong and healthy litter.  It makes a mom proud!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Size of pups as adults

At 6 days old this pup weighs 12.3 oz. on my digital postal scale.
Most of my families are looking for Miniature Schnoodle sizes and I want to tell you, that from what the puppies are weighing at that present time, they  look to be Miniature size.  The father is a toy poodle, so I was concerned that toy size was a possibility, however, none of the Schnoodles are indicating that type of size at the present time.
This scale has a 5 lb weigh limit but is very accurate.

The puppies all range in weight from 8 oz to 10 oz.  The toy puppy is less than 10 lbs and generally is born at 6 to 6.5 oz. at birth.  The attached link, shows a weight chart that is a good indicator of the toy poodle size at various ages.

Toy poodle weight chart

The Schnoodle is different from a Poodle and generally any Schnoodle under 13 lbs is considered a toy, but this chart does not cover these higher weights.

I will be continuing to weigh the puppies to get a good idea of their health,and we will do our best to estimate sizes.  To do this we  weigh the puppy at 6 weeks of age.  We double this weight and then double it again.  (ex...6 week old puppy weighs 4 pound = 8 + 8= 16 pound adult.)

Another way to estimate the adult size of a puppy is useful for families with older puppies. Many believe that a puppy will reach 50% of its expected size at the age of 4 months. To estimate the size multiply the 4 month old's height by 2 and length by 2. This, it is believed, is quite likely to be your dog's growth potential.

Height at the shoulder: 20-30 cm (8-12 in)
Weight: 3-6 kg (6-13 lb)

Height at the shoulder: 30-40 cm (12-16 in)
Weight: 6-12 kg (13-26 lb)
The newborns are about the size of a teacup.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Announcing our litter of 6 Schnoodle puppies!

Saturday evening, March 12, at 5:30pm the first of our beautiful Schnoodle puppies was born.  Over the next 3 hours the other 5 puppies followed.  The birthing was smooth, and Dixie handled it well!

The survival instinct is very strong in the newborn pup.  They have no problem finding their food.

Dixie is healthy, eating and running outside for potty breaks, and taking care of the litter like the good mother she is. 
Exhausted after 3 hours of birth, Dixie rests knowing her puppies are safe at her side.

The puppies all look very healthy and vigorous.  However, the next 48 hours is the most crucial time in the pups life, as that is when their is the highest mortality rate.  Most often there is no known cause.  

We are keeping our babies warm, and checking on them and Dixie often to make sure they are eating and looking well.  So far everything looks great and we are very thrilled with this litter!

Here is the break down of the litter:

5:30 pm - Tigger- apricot Male  -- 9.1 oz
6:10 pm  - Toffee - cream Male -- 8.2 oz
6:55 pm  - Ginger - apricot Female -- 8.9 oz
7:14 pm  - Scarlet - apricot Female -- 8.1
7:28  - Peaches- cream Female -- 10.2
8:05pm  -- Taco - apricot Male --8.2

We were not able to get the weights of the last of the pups since they came so quickly and then it was evident Dixie wanted to keep the litter around her.  (My digital scale attaches to the computer, 2 floors up) But I will be weighing them regularly and recording those weights to be sure they are eating and growing well.   The most important thing to watch for is that their weights continue to increase and do not decline.

Additionally, by following the growth pattern of the puppy from birth to 6 weeks, it will be evident whether the puppy will grow to an adult toy size, or a miniature Schnoodle.  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Our first two Schnoodle puppies are here!

Tigger is our first little boy to be born.  Cute as a teddy bear!
Dixie gave birth to her first apricot Schnoodle puppy this evening at 5:30 pm. He is a little boy.  The second puppy was born at 6:10 pm.  Another apricot little boy....more to come!

Dixie's almost ready to whelp!

Dixie has shown the first signs of serious labor.  She is whining and restless,, and dripping fluids.  It won't be long folks.  The last whelping took a total of 7 hours from the first birth to the there's a good chance I won't be back online until tomorrow morning....but I'll give an update, if I am able:)

Still waiting. A reasonable window for puppy birth

Its Saturday morning, Mar. 12....and Dixie is well.  She is still scratching behind chairs, when we let her out of her pen.  But no signs of serious labor yet.  The rainy weather has prevented us from taking her on walks, but today looks to be dry, so I definitely will be taking her out.  Rest assured, Dixie looks to be having a normal healthy pregnancy.  She looks to be in good spirit, and still enjoys a walk.

So what is the date by which Dixie has to have her litter?  Counting 63 to 70 days after the first mating is considered a reasonable waiting period for dog to have her litter.  Dixie's mating dates were Sept 7, 9,  and 11.  If by Day 70, which is next Friday, March 18, Dixie has not had her litter, then the veterinary needs to get involved.

Dixie is now on her 64th day, but she may not have concieved from her first mating.  It could have been from her second or third mating.  .  So it is really not a concern that we are still waiting for this litter.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

More signs of labor...

Each day that goes by, Dixie looks noticably larger, and more worn out.  I find myself instinctively saying, "Poor girl." every time I pass by her.  She looks so large and uncomfortable.  She spends most of her day on her side as you see in these photos.  This evening she was lying under my computer desk and I could here her making noises with each breathe.  I am pretty sure she was contracting, because immediately after that she jumped up and ran under my bed and started scratching the floor.  Its less than 48 hrs to her due date, so it really could be tonight...or tomorrow.
This photo was taken a few days ago. When we can't watch Dixie, we keep her in her whelping box (a kiddy pool) inside a puppy pen.
We took this picture last night.  Dixie on her favorite chair.
Here she is looking pathetic. Notice the matching plaid pillow.  I made that so she wouldn't destroy the chair fabric.
This picture was taken about 4 pm this evening.  No denying that belly!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Early labor

Dixie is showing signs of early labor today.   This morning she was walking behind the living room chairs and digging.  So we put her in a pen with her whelping box.  She has been looking somewhat concerned and licking herself excessively.  She only nibbled at her food.

I am rather exhausted, since I was up all night with kids and the stomach bug...but as I told my husband, birth doesn't take these things into consideration.  When its time for the puppies to come, they will come, and I better be ready for it!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

One week to the due date!

Look how much rounder Dixie has become.  Her belly is really dropping low.   I could feel the little puppies moving around when I placed my hand on her tummy today!  Her trim waste line has completely disappeared!  The girl is looking rather uncomfortable.

I got the whelping box out today, and put some towels, and newspaper in the box.  I will have her start sleeping in the box from now on, so she will get use to the fact that this is where she will deliver her litter.

Her due date is March 11, but she has always delivered 2-3 days early so keep an eye on the blog especially from March 8th on.  Additionally she begins delivering pups in the evening and through the night.  If I have some signs that she is nesting, I will let you know.  Nesting is an indication that delivery is within 24hs.

So what is nesting?  Well, the Mom starts acting differently.  Last time, she was scratching and scratching at her bed and circling around like she couldn't get comfortable.   She asks to go outside over and over all day, as if she needs to potty, but she comes right back in and then needs to go out again. She also won't eat the day of her whelping.  Last year, she had pulled her blanket out of her bed and scrunched the whole thing into her dog dish!  Very strange! 

Beginning this weekend, Dixie will not be allowed to roam freely about, but I will keep her confined to an area where I can keep my eye on her.  I'll never forget how with our first litter, I told my teenager to keep a close eye on Dixie because she looked like she would be whelping soon.  My teenager forgot, and when I told her to find Dixie, she came back with news that a puppy was found in a dress on her bedroom floor!  Oh well, a little mess, but no tragedies.  We just won't cause ourselves extra work, this time around!