
Saturday, August 14, 2010

Puppy Quarters

In case you were interested, we were able to move the pups out of the basement nursery after the first 3 days.  A kind friend brought a sturdy pen over for me to use.  It is a perfect size for the new puppy quarters.  We put it in our home office and it is convenient for us to check on the pups throughout the day.  The gate is easily opened to let Dixie in and out with ease.  Best of all, the fence is sturdy enough that our baby, just turned one year, can toddle about and peek over the top, but can neither open the gate nor poke the pups.  So while I type on this blog, the pups give me their two bits in the corner near by...Oh and I should mention, they do occasionally let out little growls or squeeky barks.  Its adorable.  Thank you Annette and Jane for thinking of us!   The puppy pen is perfect!

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