We hear a lot about the importance of socialization in a puppy. The time between 6 to 12 weeks is most pivotal for the puppy in his socialization with people. It is important that the puppy is exposed to good experiences with people of all ages during this time, since it does imprint upon the puppy for life.
I would like to give a few pointers about this socialization during these early months and and beyond. With kids and puppies there is a double responsibility. You have a responsibility to keep the child safe and you have a responsibility to keep the puppy safe. You want to teach young children respectful ways to play and treat the puppy, and you want the puppy to learn to play safely and to have good experience with children. You certainly want both kids and pups to grow up with positive experiences.
The first point on this topic is supervision. The puppy is in many ways like an infant. You wouldn't leave an infant alone with a child that was not trained or old enough to be extra careful. So supervise the children who spend time with the puppy....like a hawk. If they are not following your rules for extra care, put the puppy or child in another room. I was happy to have my laundry room right off of the kitchen. It was a great place to put the dog, to give him a break from rambunctious kids. If the dog is the rambunctious one, putting him in the laundry room send him a quick message as well.
Some kids learn about respect quicker than others. Also be wary that children will not always follow rules that they have learned when the adult is out of the room. I once observed a friend's child terrorize their new pet for fun...my kids told me it was an ongoing problem and there seemed to be no repercussions from the parents. Sadly, the pet grew up to terrorize people and was never friendly to any one.
When I was rearing our first puppy, in our home with a toddler, I would always supervise. The visits between puppy and baby were relatively short, because the baby was too young to treat the puppy properly. After a few minutes of intensely watched playtime, I would put the puppy in his crate. I would look for naptime, or times when the baby was less active to let the puppy run free.
For the older kids (visiting children and my own) , I also keep a close eye. Until I know the child is responsible and well trained I do not allow them alone with the dogs. Especially when they have visitors who are excited and running about. The natural things for kids to do is to run along with the puppy or dogs chasing at their heals. The puppies will nip at a childs heals. That could end up in a child getting injured, and the puppy certainly developing bad habits. I've also noticed some older kids who should know better, like to tease puppies to make them get excited and bark. This too is a very bad situation and should not be allowed to happen.
And not only kids but adults need to be watched. I wanted to socialize our first puppy to many different people, but unfortunately, some people just need to be avoided. My neighbor for one, thought it was funny to scare our puppy, towering over him like a bear, every time he came to the door. Our Toby did not come out improved by that situation. He learned to be suspicious of men....and as an adult dog, he bit my neighbors boot when he came billowing down his driveway toward our kids.
One idea is to carry treats in your pocket that you can give to people when they meet your puppy for the first time. If they give the puppy a treat he will certainly learn to enjoy meeting new people. Mini Schnauzers by nature, get very excited when people come to the house (whether or not they are familiar). People can sometimes interpret that excitement as aggression. Be careful to carefully supervise the situation at the front door. It is the most difficult to train properly. (After trying to train the dogs to behave properly for years, I myself, have just got in the habit of putting the dogs in the laundry room when guests first arrive. It saves me a lot of commotion and excitement at the front door.)
So please, supervise...and supervise... not for one day..or a week, but maybe even years. Be especially attentive during the first year, as the experiences will certainly affect the stability of the dog for his lifetime.
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