
Sunday, September 12, 2010

Puppy Supply List

It only a few weeks away for the puppies to go to their new homes.  Here is a suggestion of things to have on hand:

Collar  -  puppies necks measure 6 1/2 " but they are still growing fast, so get a collar that is adjustable

Dog tag - get a dog tag with your address and your phone number clearly displayed

Leash-  have a few on hand.  Inexpensive ones are found at Dollar stores and Walmart

Food- I will send a small bag of California Natural, just enough to transition to your own brand.

Water bowl - get a low sturdy bowl.  Pups knock them over very easily.

Crate- highly recommended to keep your puppy safe and also useful for potty training

Blanket  -a soft old blanket works just fine. Don't spend too much since pups go through a chewing stage.

Toys and balls - small soft toys are best.  Hard rubber is better for larger breeds.

Brush -  I soft brush will get your puppy use to being groomed at an early age.

Puppy training book - Check the library.  I liked 'How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks' by Ian Dunbar.

From veterinary:

Micro-chip - ask your vet about it when you get the shots.  I think it is definitely worthwhile.

Frontline- flea prevention

Heartworm - protects against Heartworm disease by prescription

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