
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Which pets can visit your puppy?

Although the general guidelines for a new puppy is avoid taking them into public areas until they have finished their 3 sets of inoculations...What if you have other pets that visit or live at home?  The important thing to look  for is that the other pets are up-to-date on all shots and in generally good health.  These are the three vaccines to look for:

Bordatella  ---also known as Kennel cough
Distemper  ---a combination shot that includes Parvo.  Parvo is a virulent virus that can wipe out a whole litter.

Also check that the other pet has no fecal issues.

If all of the above shots are up to date, and the pet is healthy, the veterinary says there is no problem introducing the puppies to other dogs.  ...And it is really good fro them to be socialized with other pets.

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