
Friday, March 30, 2012

How Big is a Schnoodle?---Continued

Just got a response from Remy's Mom  and Peaches Mom too.  (Thanks so much!)

Remy is  20lbs and 16 in. tall!  
Peaches is 15 -18 lbs.  18 inches tall to top of head.
Bella is 16 lbs and 18 inches tall.

Conclusion:  When the puppies went home at 8 weeks, Bella was the smallest of the litter and Remy was the largest pup in the litter.  So the weight range of 16 - 20 lbs is a good estimate for the size of this litter. 
This years litter might have a smaller weight range since our stud is a little shorter than last years stud, (by a few inches) 

How big is a Schnoodle? ---Bella's size

So how big is a Schnoodle?  Everyone asks that question when they are looking for a puppy.  We asked last year, and had some good estimates.   So I am asking again for actual numbers from last years litter.   All of last year Schnoodle families who read this post can feel free to send me your Schnoodle weight and height.  I will continue to update the blog as I get more information.

 Bella's mom wrote back right away....and sent this adorable photo.  Isn't Bella looking absolutely glamorous!  (Thank you so much, Jackie!)  Here is what Jackie wrote....
1 year old Bella just got her haircut

Bella weighs 16 lbs and is 13.5 inches from the floor to the top of her back (and 18 inches from the floor to the top of her head.)

Here is a picture from yesterday when she got her haircut.  She looks like a puppy again.
Bella really is a great family dog.  She is so calm but with so much personality when she plays.  She’s also a great watch dog.  She has protected the girls from a wood spider in the house and a snake in the yard.  Her only quirk is that she doesn’t like to play in water.  We’ve tried our pool, the ocean, and even the sprinkler but she just runs away.  We can’t wait to get our bikes out so we can see if she can stay on the bike so we can all go for bike rides. 

I am sure you selected another great mate for Dixie and your next litter will be just as great. 

Take Care, Jackie

Early Morning Sickness

I know how much everyone is anxiously waiting for news on how Dixie is doing.   I am very optimistic that Dixie is pregnant.  She always gets morning sickness first, and loses interest in food.   This time she seems to have it early.  She has not been eating much the last few days.  This morning I put her bowl right under her nose and she got up and moved to the other side of the room!  She definitely is not feeling an appetite.   I too got morning sickness with every one of my pregnancies.  Food does become an aversion.   I feel bad that Dixie feels this way, but it definitely is a positive thing to see when you are anxiously awaiting a litter!

Sorry I don't have any photos for this post....I will try to get a few to add later:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Congratulations to Remy on his First Year Accomplishments!

Remy at 1 years old!
I am so proud of Remy!  At 1 year old he has already passed the Canine Good Citizen Award and is in Level 3 Agility!  Well Done!   

Here is Remy's Mom's note:  

Just looked at your blog and congratulations are in order!!  So glad to hear Dixie is going to have another litter!  Our little Remy couldn't be a better pet.  He's so smart and loving and almost human-like in his expressions!!  

Bob has been taking him to training twice a week and he passed the Canine Good Citizen Award and is now in level 3 of Agility Training!  He's very fast and loves the jumps and tunnels.  Thank you so much for allowing us to have this great little dog!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

More Birthday pics from Yankee and Bruno!

Hi Mary,
We celebrated Bruno and Yankee's birthday Monday with a big family dinner and a "party for the boys". It was such fun! 
Yankee and Bruno turn 1 years old

We all concluded that this past year with the puppies has made a wonderful change in our lives. They think they are people and really talk with their eyes and actions. We are so glad their tails weren't docked because they talk with tails too. Both of their yards now have invisible fences on the same frequency, as well as the collars. They safely play together in each others yard and love it. We have been checking on Dixie and are excited about the good news.  What joy the waiting families are in for.
Our best to you and all the family.
Yankee and Bruno's Grammie

Friday, March 16, 2012

Yogi and Dixie have Bred Successfully!

I am sure you are all as happy as I am to know that we had a very successful tie between Dixie and Yogi this morning!

Dixie and Yogi get acquainted this morning

Dixie and I visited Yogi at 8:30 am this morning, with the hopes that Yogi would have lots of energy early in the day.  Then we dug a bit of an indentation in the earth.  We had Dixie stand in the depression while Yogi stood on the higher ground.  That gave Yogi the little bit of extra height that he needed.  Yogi did not seem too interested, and then all of a sudden he decided it was time.  And that was that.  The tie lasted about 20 we know it was a GOOD one.  I am so relieved!

At first Yogi did not look overly enthusiastic.

I will still breed Dixie two more times over the next several days.... Just to be assured of a good size litter.

Ok, so now we can calculate Dixie's due date of May 19!  And just so you know, Dixie has been 2-3 days early in the past. 

Here is a neat website where you can print a calendar of the milestones that are being reached for Dixie and the puppies in utero.

Type in Mar. 16, 2012 as the date of the first mating and it will list a calendar that is just right for Dixie's litter.

Print the calendar and you will know exactly what to expect while Dixie is expecting!  The first visible sign of pregnancy that Dixie will show is morning sickness.  So I will keep you posted on anything like that, when I observe it.  Yahh!  I am so excited!!!

Yogi still has his winter coat...Here he is looking rather smug after a job well done!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Happy First Birthday dear puppies!!!

Happy Birthday Bella!
I want to wish a belated birthday to last years litter born on March 12, 2011.  My sweeties turned 1 year old on Monday!  I was so busy this week trying to breed Dixie, that I never had a chance to write a post!

But Bella's family was so sweet to write and send photos!!!  Here is their note:

I hope all is well.  We have been following your blog so I see you are gearing up for another litter.  We are all doing well.  We celebrated Bella’s birthday on Monday so I thought I would send some pictures.  I wanted to see what she would look like with a schnauzer haircut so I let it grow out a bit.  I think I like her without the beard but it was a fun experiment. 

Good luck with the next litter!  I am sure with you as the breeder the puppies will turn out great.  

---Bella's Mom

That cookie was pretty tasty!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Dixie meets Yogi

Hi all, today Dixie and I made a visit to Yogi's house.  Yogi is such a sweet cuddly a teddy bear.   I think he will produce some lovely puppies! 

He and Dixie sniffed one another a bit, and looked each other over but there was not instant chemistry.  So we have concluded that she is not quite in her fertile stage yet.  When a female dog is fertile the male dogs definitely knows it!   Dogs will visit our home from miles around...that I have never seen before....sniffing and looking for Dixie in our yard.  Believe me, we DO NOT take Dixie outside unattended!  

So basically, if Dixie had been ready to mate, Yogi would have shown clear interest.  But as it was they were mildly curious who the other dog was and that was about it.  But that usually is the way it goes when I first take Dixie to her stud.  I would rather be early then late, so I like to go early.  She typically takes a few extra days to be ready.  So we will try again soon.

Friday, March 9, 2012

New Stud Dog...Yogi

Yogi a 1 1/2 yr old Red Poodle Stud
Dixie is coming really close to her breeding days.  I was all prepared to travel with her to Pennsylvania this weekend, and then I was able to reach another breeder that I had researched.

So now let me introduce Yogi the Red poodle stud.  Yogi is 1 1/2 years old AKC stud dog.  He has great red color in his lineage and throws nice red puppies even though his poodle bride is a light cream girl.  He is a young stud which could be an advantage....Soo I have decided to move Timmy the stud to second place.  Yogi is now my first choice for a stud.

An added advantage is that Yogi is much more convenient to where I live.  And look how gorgeous he is!!!

Yogi is indeed a beautiful boy.  He lives with his Mom and first poodle love, Bearly.  They are part of a 2 dog family.  Their Mom brought the breeding pair with her from California where she had lived until recently.  I love the fact that Yogi is not a kennel dog, but a beloved member of the family.  This will be easier experience for Dixie since I will not have to board her in a strange place and I can be present with her during the breeding.

I will take Dixie to visit Yogi on Monday morning.  Hopefully Dixie and Yogi are instant friends.  But don't be surprised if they are rather shy on their first visit.  Sometimes it takes a few days for Dixie and her stud to warm up to one anothers.

I have an appointment for Monday...I will let you know how it goes!!!!

Monday, March 5, 2012

Dixie went into heat on Saturday, mar 3

Hi all,  exciting news here!  Dixie went into heat on Sat. Mar 3.  I plan to take her to visit the Stud dog this weekend.  Based on my loose calculations, we are looking at a Whelping date of May 15, with pups going home in the middle of July (8 weeks).   I will again confirm these dates when I know the exact day of her first mating.  We are looking forward to our visit to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania this weekend!   I will keep you posted.