
Friday, March 16, 2012

Yogi and Dixie have Bred Successfully!

I am sure you are all as happy as I am to know that we had a very successful tie between Dixie and Yogi this morning!

Dixie and Yogi get acquainted this morning

Dixie and I visited Yogi at 8:30 am this morning, with the hopes that Yogi would have lots of energy early in the day.  Then we dug a bit of an indentation in the earth.  We had Dixie stand in the depression while Yogi stood on the higher ground.  That gave Yogi the little bit of extra height that he needed.  Yogi did not seem too interested, and then all of a sudden he decided it was time.  And that was that.  The tie lasted about 20 we know it was a GOOD one.  I am so relieved!

At first Yogi did not look overly enthusiastic.

I will still breed Dixie two more times over the next several days.... Just to be assured of a good size litter.

Ok, so now we can calculate Dixie's due date of May 19!  And just so you know, Dixie has been 2-3 days early in the past. 

Here is a neat website where you can print a calendar of the milestones that are being reached for Dixie and the puppies in utero.

Type in Mar. 16, 2012 as the date of the first mating and it will list a calendar that is just right for Dixie's litter.

Print the calendar and you will know exactly what to expect while Dixie is expecting!  The first visible sign of pregnancy that Dixie will show is morning sickness.  So I will keep you posted on anything like that, when I observe it.  Yahh!  I am so excited!!!

Yogi still has his winter coat...Here he is looking rather smug after a job well done!


  1. Good job Dixie and Yogi!!! Can't wait for the puppies

  2. Thanks for your note, Eric. I am just bubbling with excitement!
