
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms who are watching the blog!

Here at my house we started our Mothers Day by all going to church together.  (At least all of us at home....My hubby is out of town at his brother's wedding)  When we got home the kids gave me roses and chocolate.  Then they set about to make me breakfast with waffles, strawberries, and whip cream.   Just as you might expect, they put too much butter in the waffles, and didn't mix the eggs the waffles were kind of like rubber.  My daughter was so crushed that they didn't turn out perfectly.  I thought it might ruin her day....but I hugged her and told her how much it meant to me that she would go through all this trouble and that we were all together celebrating this day.   That lifted her spirits quite a bit, and we sat down together and ate the waffles despite their interesting texture.  Everyone agreed that with lots of strawberries and cream, it wasn't so noticeable after all!

After breakfast, I sat with Dixie for a while.  Her belly is not a smooth ball but has hills and valleys that wiggle about.  It makes me feel bad for her.   One of my kids was so active in utero that I had trouble sleeping at night.  I imagine that Dixie must feel the same...but probably worse as she has several little ones kicking and squirming at once. 

After that I followed Dixie outside where she meandered around the yard.  For me, the anticipation of puppies on Mother's Day brings out all the joyful memories of anticipating the birth of my own children.  This morning I notice that Dixie has a bit of diarrhea.  No worries, as this is a typical Stage 1 Labor thing.   She kept trying to relieve herself, but nothing happened.  It is quite possible she is beginning to feel pressure and contractions.

When we came in, I sat down at the computer to write this update post.  Dixie climbed into her crate, sleeping quietly for several minutes, then breathing heavily and panting at times.  She definitely is showing more labor signs then yesterday.  My kids wanted to take a walk through the trees, down to the lake behind our house...but I don't think Dixie can do that kind of a walk today...and I don't think we should leave her either.  I think they will be OK with that.

I think I will start charting her activity so I will notice the pattern of her contractions.   It will give me a better idea of when she is in Stage 2 labor.

Dixie panting heavily in labor
...oooo Dixie's panting some more....wants to go outside.  Well I better follow her out there.

.....Ok  now she's back in her crate moaing and tearing her linens aapart....I have to take care of her now... I'm taking her to our largest bathroom where we will put her whelping box...and have everything ready...I think she's going to have puppies soon!!!!

In between contractions she rests.

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