
Thursday, July 5, 2012

First Shots ....The litter have a Veterinary Visit

Today we visited White Oak Animal Hospital for the puppies Wellness Exam.   Dr. Melissa DeLauter  checked each puppy individually to make sure they were in good health.

First each puppy was weighed.  Then the doctor checked their hearts for murmurs...none found!  She checked their eyes for signs of cataracts and their ears for ear mites...none found!

Next she looked over their whole physique to see that the puppies had a sound structure.  All looked good and healthy!

Next the veterinary gave each puppy their worming, and first shots.

Finally she gave each puppy a hug and let the puppy give her a kiss.  This friendly doctor seemed to really enjoy her job!

Throughout the check-up all the puppies endured the examination calmly and patiently.

As we walked through the waiting room everyone we met ooed and ahhed over the beautiful puppies. 

Here were the reported weights of the puppies.....

Ruby Rose:  3 lb 6 oz
Maya :  4 lbs 8 oz
Sugar:   4 lbs 2 oz
Copper:  5 lbs 1.5 oz
Bear:  4 lbs 13 oz
Buddy:   4 lbs  10.5 oz
Teddy:   4 lbs 4 oz

Having such a positive response from everyone made the veterinary visit pretty fun.  But the most important thing is that all the puppies are in excellent health and ready to go to their new homes!

Maya, Teddy and jail waiting for their shots!

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