
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A letter from Buddy's Mom!

Hi Mary,

My daughter and my granddaughter were as excited at Buddy's arrival as we were. When we returned home there was an "It's a Boy!" balloon on our mailbox and a bag of treats for Buddy on our kitchen counter. Buddy will meet his extended family today.

We are smitten with Buddy and his antics. He loves us already and comes to his name! He has played a game of fetch; shook hands sort of, and is curious about everything. Buddy is a budding genius! He has settled into our bedroom with crate and litter box, and has slept on the floor through both nights being wakened for his bathroom breaks. Buddy has not stayed in the crate at night yet, but prefers sleeping in Carl’s pants (I keep mine picked up)! Buddy does not really use the litter box but pee pees immediately when taken outside. Poops are found on the floor so far – we have hopes for the litter box for poops. 

Hmm he may not yet understood that your litter box is the same as the one at our house.  Be sure to sprinkle some smelly litter in there...he needs the familiar smell.   Hopefully he makes that adjustment soon...(Mary)

One of the treats was The Original Freeze Dried Training Treat by Stewart. It is 100% pure chicken liver treats for dogs. Buddy went wild when I gave him less than a thimble so when he didn't seem to be interested in his dog food at first I sprinkled a tiny, tiny bit on his food and Buddy gobbled it down. I recommend it! 

Thanks for the recommendation!   I know a lot of trainers recommend liver treats.  I will keep an eye out for them, since I don't have anything yet that I luv.  Are they at Petsmart? (Mary)

I was very surprised that Rosie Pig was so jealous when we showed her Buddy. Rosie had never really shown us much emotion or even a whole lot of affection. She has never had a problem with other dogs or our cat, but did not want to play with Buddy or compete with Buddy for our attention. Truthfully, she wanted to bite Buddy but of course we will not let that happen. She did bite me and Carl much to our complete surprise. We are giving Rosie LOTS of attention and showing her that her place in our home and hearts is not threatened. Rosie spends most of the day sleeping on the back porch and rooting in the back yard. Their routines are such that they can enjoy their spaces without feeling threatened so Buddy and Rosie are coexisting without too much of a problem! I think they will become close friends when Buddy is bigger. 

I cannot wait for Buddy and Rosie Pig to be friends....some day I want a photo of Buddy and Piggy in peaceful the lion and the lamb!  (Mary)

I'll send photos soon! Thank you so much for the wonderful training and Buddy's great schedule. We are a very happy family!

Thanks for this update!   I think everyone following the blog loves to hear updates on the puppies a home! (Mary)

From Buddy's Mom

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