
Sunday, July 8, 2012

Ruby at home!

Just look at those eyes!   It will surely be hard to say 'no' to Ruby!
Hi Mary,

Just wanted to update you to let you know that Ruby is doing wonderful.  
Our trip to Hanover, PA couldn't have went smoother. Ruby didn't cry at all. 
I think she was exhausted from playing with her brothers and sister, that she 
slept at least half of the way home. When she was awake, she just laid in my 
lap and gave kisses. We stopped twice for her to go to the bathroom, and she 
peed the one time. The trip home couldn't have gone any better!

Since we've been home, she seems very happy and content. We have been giving 
her plenty of attention, but leave her alone when she needs to eat and rest. She's 
been doing pretty good with using either the dog litter box or the outside. She's been 
taking naps in her cage, and slept in it from 11:00PM-5:30AM. Her cage was near my 
bed, so that if she woke up I would be near her. As I'm writing this email, she is napping 
in her cage. She's been eating and drinking well, and loves all of her toys. We couldn't be 
more happy with our little Ruby! She loves following us everywhere and enjoys laying on 
our laps :). 

Thank you again for doing an excellent job of being their "puppy mom". You can really 
tell the quality of care the puppies were given.

Best wishes to you and your family!

---Ruby's Mom

Thank you so much for your update and your kind words.    We are all so happy to know that Ruby is doing well.  Thank you for giving Ruby such a wonderful home!  ----Mary

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