
Friday, August 3, 2012

Here is an update sent from (Sugar) Morelka's family at the end of July.  Sorry I am so late getting it posted!

We are all adjusting great.  Morelka sleeps through the night for the most part, and we have had only a few accidents (only because we still haven’t quite figured out all the warning signs – the poo dance is different from the pee dance). 
She has had two baths already and one hair cut.   J   I am a little scared to cut her nails – and they have grown quickly – so that is still on the to do list.
The only really puppy issue had been biting.   She tried to eat various pants cuffs as the kids were walking by and liked  to bite/dive at their faces when they are/were low to the ground playing with her.  We have initiated several “puppy protocols” to either divert or teach that isn’t a great idea.   She now has multiple chew sticks (one in the pics I sent), and several chew toys that she like to gnaw on.  We have also gotten a tiny squirt bottle and every time she uses her teeth she gets a little squirt.  We did try time outs, but they didn’t work at all.  The biting has decreased by 90% and we think it will soon be gone.  I researched a number of dog techniques on the web before we tried the above. 
Oh yes – and we have a new game “treat hockey.”  It gets a lot of her energy out.
Lastly, she is already learned her first command – “Sit”.  J
We all love her – she is a wonderful smart and energetic puppy!
XOXOX see you soon - L

Thank you so much for sharing this letter and photos with us!  We love to hear how the puppies are doing!  ---Mary

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