
Saturday, January 26, 2013

Why are female dogs so popular

I was just updating the Waiting List for our Summer litter and I was surprised that almost everyone wanted a female.  Since often have an even mix of males and females, it may be well for some of you to reconsider this this question.

Here is what one of my customers recently wrote to me....
"I don’t know that we have a preference on the sex. I really wanted a female when we got our last dog because I thought Females had less issues but our Bruno has been a much nicer and loving dog than the female Schnauzer we had before him so I may be a convert."

Rule of Thumb:

If you already own a dog, you should choose the opposite gender

"Regardless of the breed, most breeders agree that they have no control over the dominating personality traits exhibited by an alpha female. Dominance defines the dog's personality and there is little a breeder or owner can to eliminate this trait. When people are buying a purebred from me I always ask what are the sexes of the other dogs in the home?
An alpha personality generally doesn't show until age 4 months or so and that is long after you have purchased the pup. While they are wonderful loving dogs, they tend to rule the roost! An alpha female is best either alone or with males." 

Do females make better pets?   

There are pros and cons to every gender of dog....But reading the information that breeders share is valuable.  They have the most experience with a large number of males and females .... Here is some information that I have read on several breeding websites...

Male vs. Female, which should I choose? 
FEMALES: In the dog pack, females usually rule the roost, determine pecking order, and compete to maintain and/or alter that order. The females are, as a result, more independent, stubborn, and territorial than their male counterparts.  Females are much more intent upon exercising their dominance by participating in alpha behaviors such as 'humping'.  Humping? Yes, humping.....which in the dog world, is a dominance behavior.  Most fights will usually break out between 2 females because of the dominance struggle. Keep this in mind if you already have a female at home & are thinking of bringing another female into the picture.
Females are usually less distracted during training, and are more eager to get it over with, and get back to her comfy spot on the couch.  They are less likely to wage a dominance battle with YOU, but she can be cunning and resourceful in getting her own way.
They are much more prone to mood swings. Upon their terms, she will come to you for attention when they want it, when she's had enough, she will move away. One day she may be sweet and affectionate-the next day reserved and withdrawn or even grumpy.  The female also has periods of being 'in heat' unless she is spayed. Seasonal heats can be a nightmare-not just for the female, but you and every male dog in the neighborhood. If you are not breeding, you'd be best off to have her spayed, since during this time she can leave a bloody discharge on carpets, couches, or anywhere she goes. She will be particularly moody and emotional during this time. A walk outside during this period can become hazardous if male dogs are in the vicinity, and she will leave a 'scent' for wandering intact males to follow right to your yard, where they will hang out, and 'wait' for days.
MALES: Males are usually more affectionate, exuberant, attentive, and more demanding of attention.  They are very attached to their humans and are always waiting for your attention....and near at hand. They also tend to be more steadfast, reliable, and less moody.  
They are more outgoing, more accepting of other pets, and bond quicker to children.   Most males are easily motivated by food and praise, and so eager to please that training is much easier. However, males can be more easily distracted during training, as males like to play so often.
No matter what age, males are more likely to act silly and more puppy-like, always wanting to play games. Neutered males can exhibit secondary sexual behavior such as 'humping', or 'marking' and lifting of legs. However, once the testosterone levels recede after neutering, most of these behaviors will disappear. Males who are neutered early (by 6 months of age) usually don't ever raise their leg to urinate. Before deciding on male or female, give consideration to any other dogs that may be in or around your home.

My own experience definitely concurs with the above statements on Males and Females.  So do take these things into account when making your choice.  Just like people, males and females are both wonderful!!!   The most important thing of all is to continue the socialization that they have received at the breeders.   Make every effort to expose your dog to a variety of people, pets and experiences and you will be rewarded for years to come.


  1. This is excellent information Mary. I have also read that it if you happen to have dogs of the same sex it helps if their size varies a bit so that dominance issues are less, is that true?
    In any case I have a femal toy and I am looking forward to a male red toy getting a male red toy snchoodle from your 2014 litter - Chintan vora

    1. Thanks for this question! I had not heard that dominance was helped by size difference. Tiny dogs do not seem to know they are tiny. They can be more domineering than dogs twice their size. The best thing to do if you have a female is to get a male and then continue to feed first dog first and give first attention to your first dog. The new puppy will grow up understanding that he is not top dog. I have also done some Schnauzer rescue for a few months and introduced new females to our home. We never experienced any problems. Dogs can live in large groups and be just fine. On a rare occasion I will bark or growl at my dogs if they do anything inappropriate. They get the picture and we have few problems.
