
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

A visit with Bart the Red Poodle Stud

 I took a long drive through the Virginia country side yesterday to visit the Breeder who owns the stud for our upcoming litter.

 'Bart' is an AKC miniature poodle standing 14" tall.  He looks to be a wonderful match for our Dixie!   Very calm, and sweet...didn't even bark when we walked in.   Because he is a miniature size, and not a toy size, he will produce larger puppies than last years litter.  And Bart is experienced, having sired many litters of beautiful red poodles.  He is a young male  and my hope is he will be able to sire many of our future litters. 
Virginia is so lovely, even in winter

I was also very impressed with the expertise of the breeder.  The quarters were meticulously clean and orderly.   The dogs were beautiful and healthy. He was a very kind man, and he was very gentle with the dogs.   When the time comes, I will feel very comfortable leaving Dixie with this breeder for the week.

I was so glad I had a chance to visit well in advance of the actual breeding.  The month of May will come quicker than I know, and Dixie could even come into heat it is always wise to make plans early. I cannot wait to see the puppies that will be produced with our Schnauzer and the gorgeous red poodle Bart!  

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