
Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Deposits for 2013 Schnoodle Litter

I am now collecting $100 deposits for the 2013 Schnoodle litter.  I have contacted the first 7 people on the waiting list.  If anyone has changed their mind and does not wish to purchase a Schnoodle from the 2013 litter, I will remove their name from the list, and allow the next person waiting to send a deposit.

The deposits are refundable until the litter is born.  When the puppies have arrived, we can see how many puppies their are, the genders, the color, etc.  At that time the people who have sent deposits will have the opportunity to purchase a puppy, by putting half down on the purchase of a puppy.  Anyone who does not wish to purchase a puppy will have their deposit returned.

If you are on the 2013 waiting list, now is the time to check your status on that page.   See 2013 Waiting List Page or visit link below...
If you are one of the first 7 people on the list, you should contact me now.  If you are not one of the first 7 people please consider that those who have sent deposits may still change their mind.  The puppies from this litter are not sold until they are actually born.

I am writing this note to be sure there are no failures in communication.  My wish is to be as fair to everyone as I am able.  Best wishes to all!

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