
Thursday, July 18, 2013

18 day Puppies Pictures

Brothers enjoy being together!  Blaze in the back.  Biscuit, Cheetos, and Lucky (L to R)
Dante checks out my camera.
Such cute paws!  Lucky is sound asleep:)

Today our Schnoodle litter is 18 days old.  Their eyes are open.   They seem to be so much more aware of everything around them.   They are getting stronger on their feet too.  They walk around on unsteady feet, sitting often or flopping over on their side.  But they are trying!
This is Blaze....he has white socks on his front paws.

Biscuit with yawning Charlie
Dante in front with Blaze and Biscuit behind.


  1. OMG! I can't believe how much the puppies have grown! I love seeing them stand and look more active! Looking at the puctures makes me smile. How much do the puppies weigh? Did your scale reappear? Things seem to disappear into thin air in my classroom also. :)

    1. When I look at the puppies I am amazed too. They seem to get bigger every day! I do wish I could weigh them. I keep looking for the scale....and can't find it anywhere. I am beginning to think that I put it in a 'safe' place. (which is never safe!...because then its safe from me!) I did reorder another scale. It won't get her for a few weeks though. So I keep looking....
