
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

4 Days Old!

Today our puppies turned 4 days old.  I am sure you are happy to finally see some individual photos.   I apologize for the wait.  But I really hate to disturb them too much during these first few days.   I also was hoping to get some front porch photos, where the natural lighting is best.  But we keep getting rain showers moving through, and the humidity really fogs up my camera lens.  So today, I decided to just take the photos indoors by the window.   Here they are!
Weighs 11.4 oz today

weighs 13.9 oz today
Weighs 10.1 oz today
Weighs 13.9 oz today

Weighs 12.5 oz today
Weighs 11.2 oz today

Please note that we name the puppies so we can easily identify and remember their individuality.  But we do not expect anyone to have to keep that name.  Nor do we pride ourselves in having any particular knack at the naming process!  This year I just asked the kids to each give me a name.  (My 3 year old named Cheetos...You can imagine what his favorite junk food is!)....

Please note that I have added the puppies weights underneath each photo.  The weight so early on does not necessarily mean a whole lot.  The important thing to me, is that a puppy gains weight each day, and doesn't lose weight.  Weight loss could be a serious problem at this age.  Another source of concern would  be a puppy that cried a lot.  And I am happy to  say they are all pretty quiet puppies.  They show every appearance of being healthy and vigorous.  They are gaining weight and eating well.  

3 of our boys also have white chest marks...which I think is just splendid!  It certainly makes identification easier!


  1. Thanks for the pictures! Which of these was the last puppy born?

    1. Blaze was the last puppy born. He put on weight faster than any of the other puppies and has pretty much caught up.

  2. The adorableness is overwhelming! Can't wait to watch them grow! :o)

    1. Thanks Erin! They are precious in their tiny way....but they do just get cuter and cuter!

  3. can we get a 14 day old update? so obsessed lol

    1. I know...right! I was gone for several days and had so much work to catch up on when I got back that it was hard to find time for photos. I was also hoping to get some ribbons to put on the puppies for pictures so we could tell them apart. Well, I still don't have the ribbons. So we will just have to guess who is who!
