
Thursday, July 11, 2013

All lined up at the cafeteria!

If you were to pop your head into our puppy nursery, there are just a few things you might see.  Puppies sprawled about, sleeping in a heap...or lined up to eat!   In these photos I tried to get a few different angles on different puppies.

I only wish I had a video.  Its pretty cute to watch them nurse.  They are very noisy eaters!  Squeaking and slurping, and pushing their feet from behind to make sure they don't lose their spot.

Compare this picture to the puppies on whelping day....they are getting so much bigger!


  1. These pictures are so sweet. I realized you said you are using Ugodog for potty training. Is this different from the litter training? Should I purchase an Ugodog versus a litter pan/ puppy litter? Thanks for all your help.

    Karen :)

    1. The only difference between litter training and the Ugodog, is the surface. With litter training puppies learn the smell and feel of litter under their feet for elimination times. When we use the Ugodog, they learn the smell and feel of the Ugodog crate under their feet. We loved the litter system.....but we didn't love the mess when litter got scattered all over the place. The Ugodog is much neater and easy to clean. It is a one time purchase. So it ends up being more economical than doggy litter and pee pads. You can find the Ugodog we use in our Amazon Store. Click on the link above and you will find it for $50. It is the lowest price I have found.

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