
Monday, July 1, 2013

Puppy Calendar and Visitations

The information below is important for each of the 6 families that are on the Waiting List to buy a puppy.  Please read carefully.

Buying a Puppy:   We already have deposits on this litter.   Each family has paid half of the payment toward their puppy.  The remainder is due at the time of pick up....Cash only please.

Developmental Stages:  Each week that goes by the puppies go through major developmental stages.  Before 5 weeks of age, the puppies are not able to interact very much with the world around them.  They are also susceptible to illness.   For this reason, visitors are not allowed before 5 weeks of age.   After 5 weeks of age, it is safe to have visitors....but the older the puppy is, the more you will find the experience to be rewarding and enjoyable....because the puppies will have so much more personality the closer they are to 8 weeks old.

Visitation: The best time to visit is between 6-7 weeks of age.   I presently plan an Open House on Sat. Week 7 between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm.    I have arranged a 2 hour slot because it is taxing on the puppies to be held and engaged for too much longer.  They still need to sleep a lot at this age.   Please contact me if you wish to have an individual visit at some other time during the week.  I am CLOSED on Sundays.   Outdoor Playtime Visits will be very limited if the temperature is above 90 degrees.

Please refer to the chart below and mark your calendars accordingly.   Please contact me to let me know when you decide to visit.  Please make prior arrangements if you need me to keep your puppy after Saturday, Aug 25.

Events & Puppy Stages

 Birth Jun 29
Whelping Date
Dixie & Pups kept in dark Quiet room under close watch

No visitors
Wk 1  - July 6
Half payment due on pup
Pups very quiet….just sleep and eat

No visitors
Wk 2 – July 13

Eyes & ears begin to open
Pups become more aware of surroundings

No visitors
Wk 3 – July 20

Pups gain strength and they begin to walk They still sleep most of the time.  Activity is limited.
No visitors
Wk 4 – July 27

. Pups begin to eat solids.  They are still growing rapidly.  They gain strength and begin playing more actively with one another.

No visitors
Wk 5 – Aug 3

Pups become a bit more active as they start to interact more with one another.  We start regular playtime outdoors at this age.

Wk 6 – Aug 10

Pups gain so much spunk and personality each week that goes by.
Playtime occupies much more of their time.

Make appointment between Aug 3 – Aug 10  to choose your puppy…or come to final Open House 8/17

Good time to Visit
Wk 7 – Aug 17
Pick Puppy Deadline

Open House 10 am – 2:00 pm

Pups learn so much from their littermates and mother during this final week as a litter.

Best Time to Visit
Wk 8 – Aug 24
Puppies Go Home
Final Payment due at pickup

Pups very spunky, energetic and active!
Arrange pick up by appointment

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