
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

First time outside!

These last few days I've noticed a real change in the puppies.  They sometimes bark or whine when we walk by....they want us to come pet them!  They are also playing much more aggressively with one another.  Sometimes they growl and zip around their pen.   It is so cute....But the energy is still short lived.  Within a few minutes of puppy mayhem, they crash once more and fall back into puppy slumber.

Yesterday we took three of  the puppies outside for the first time.  Charlie, Cheetos and Dante were wide awake when we were ready to go out.  So they were the lucky ones.   We will take the others on another day.

The fresh air and new smells seem to energize them.   Now is the beginning of a new stage of fun!   Taking puppies outside to play is always an enjoyable activity for us.

Apricot Twins...Charlie and Dante!



Cheetos is a very sweet puppy.

When the camera came out for photos....someone thought it would be best if he showed you the puppies:)

I love to cuddle Charlie!

More Charlie!

Dante is about the size of my teddy bear!

Cheetos has the eyes that are going to melt hearts!

Cheetos & Dante....Mmmm this grass smells yummy!

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