
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Liam (Biscuit) Update (9 weeks old)

Liam and Jasper take naps!

I got an update from Liam's mom and it sounds like Liam is having a great time!   Here's the news...

Liam is growing like a weed! He and Jasper (the cat) are becoming better friends.   They both love the space heater and it's already getting colder here at night, so I will definitely be turning it on!

Liam started puppy training class and he mastered sit and down.   We've had some issues him eating, so I added some wet food to his kibble which he loves!  He still doesn't have a huge appetite.  But he's active and growing and happy.  So we'll just keep at it.  



Liam has made lots of friends at puppy playtime and doggie daycare.  Everyone loves him. 

Liam at the beach!

 We went to the beach the last 80 degree day we had up here (Mass.) and he did NOT like the cold water, but loved to dig!

Thanks, Erin, for this lovely letter and the awesome photos!   I know everyone enjoyed it as much as I did!

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