
Friday, October 3, 2014

Dew Claws Removed!

Yesterday we had the puppies dew claws removed.  The little girl had dew claws removed from the front paws and the back paws.  The little boy only had dew claws on the back paws.   It is interesting that some puppies have more dew claws then others.  It is just a difference in genetics.  
Honey sleeps like an angel even after having dew claws removed.

Both puppies did not seem bothered by the little procedure.   That is why we remove them at 2-3 days old.  Because they are so young, the dew claw is nothing more than a little tab of skin with a tiny claw.   Nerves have not developed in the area yet.  They are snipped away with scissors and the tiny wound stops bleeding in minutes and heals within a few days.
Sparky is the little bruiser who took his time coming into this world!

Why do I remove Dew Claws?  Dew claws can be an annoyance for a puppy.  They can be a very painful injury if they get caught in rugs.   They are also a maintenance issue since if they need to be clipped or they will keep growing.  It is worth removing them while it is easy to do.

When puppies get older removing dew claws is much more involved, requiring stitches, anesthesia and several weeks of healing.  If the dew claws are still present on an older puppy, it is best to leave them in place.   After the first week of life, the pain and difficulty involved with removing dew claws outweighs the risk to the puppy.

I am glad my puppies have natural tails and ears, because they are such an adorable part of a puppy.  Plus they help the puppy communicate with their owners.   A tail also is used by a dog for balance.   But dew claws do not serve any purpose.   It is worth removing the dew claws within the first few days after birth to avoid any potential problem that they could create later on.

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