
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Yum Yum! First solid food .....Weaning begins

A new milestone is here!  The puppies are now 4 weeks old and ready to eat solid food.  They are eating 3-4 small meals per day of mushy puppy food.

The puppies are definitely ready for their first puppy food meal.  They had no hesitation to dig right in.  It was as if they had been eating solids all their life.   I am feeding them puppy food that has been mushed in the blender with warm water to make a creamy consistency that is easy to lap up.  The puppies still do not have any teeth.   And they are using to drinking.  So I have to start with a food close to the consistency of gruel and gradually increase the texture over the next few weeks.

Misty is still nursing the puppies several times a day, but the time spent nursing is less and less.   As I increase the puppies food, I decrease Misty's food.  By decreasing the Mamas food, her milk will also decrease.  Weaning is a gradual process that will happen over the next 3-4 weeks.

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