
Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Enlarging the Puppy Pen

I am writing this post to show you how I enlarge our puppy pen when the puppies turn 6 weeks old.  I put two IRIS pens together to make one big pen.
I put a Dog Crate in one corner so the puppies can climb into it like a den.   Then I put the Ugodog pottys on the far side as far from the bed as possible.   (the Ugodogs are clean in this photo, but they are lined with they look rather spotty under the grate.)

Now the puppies have a place to sleep, a place to play, and a place to potty.   It is getting so cold at this time of year that it is harder to take them outside to play.  I like the fact that they have lots of room to play in their pen now.
Candy Cat looks in from the porch window.  I think she's wondering why we fuss over these puppies so much! 

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