
Sunday, December 20, 2015

Update on Liam and his Family

Hi Mary,

Hope you are doing well!   Just got my puppy fix off of your website and wanted to send you an update on our little Liam.   He just got his first groomers haircut and is looking very handsome.  I usually cut his hair but things have been a little crazy lately!   Liam is going to be a California pup!   Gabe got a job offer out west and how could we say no to all that sunshine?!  It will definitely be an adjustment but I think getting out of Boston winters will be worth it.  We found a place with a yard near a big park, so I think Liam will be very happy!   Hope you and the family are well!  Happy Holidays!


Hi Erin! 

What exciting news!   Moving to California!!!   After seeing you and Liam in the news last winter in the midst of all the Boston snow drifts, I can definitely say, Boston does look incredibly cold!   No doubt you will be much warmer in California.   Congratulations to Gabe on his new job.  And how awesome that you found a place near a yard and park.   That sounds perfect.  I am sure you will absolutely love it!   You have been so good about keeping us up to date.   I do look forward to your next update when you tell us all about California!   I went to college near Ventura, CA, and use to enjoy the Ventura beach so much.  But California is a very big state.  There are so many beautiful places to visit.   Have a ton of fun!  And best wishes for a very smooth travel and transition!

Thanks for the photos!   They are all adorable!  Love those kitties too!

Merry Christmas to you, Gabe and all your furry family!


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