
Saturday, November 12, 2016

New Update on Leo


I cannot believe we've only had Leo for four days!   He is an absolute delight --- quite well-adjusted, very comfortable with his new family, and loving his crate/bed with the snuggle puppy and blankie.

We set it up in a part of our kitchen - opening into a "pen" that also has the UGODOG (potty tray) in it.  We leave the crate door open most of the time because he is already really good about using the Ugodog.  The first night, he cried a lot.

The second night, I brought the crate upstairs and put it in the same type of "pen" in our bedroom with the other Ugodog.  That night, he whined a bit at intervals, but settled down readily when he heard me talk to him.  He hears all kinds of noises and commotion and is totally relaxed about it.

He’s having a total blast running and running and running outside in the yard with the kids, and he’s met a ton of new people who have come to see him — he is so brave and outgoing — all 27 oz of him!  He found his “voice” but is not a true “barker” (at least not yet).  Interestingly, he mostly barks at my youngest and at other kids about his age —primarily when playing.  I think he thinks they are “puppies” like him :-).

The most amazing news (maybe you won’t be at all surprised) — Leo has ALREADY LEARNED the “sit” and “down” commands!!!  And he does them for different people!  And he does the “sit” part even if there’s no kibble/treat involved!   I can hardly believe it — he is such a smart little guy!

His favorite toy is a small, crinkly, soft “Yoda” doll that we picked up from an Unleashed store.  And he is going to town on a Kong Ziggy and a piece of sterilized elk antler (goodness they have so many new things since I last had a dog).

At least three people have asked me for your information, so I don’t think your waiting list will really get any shorter even if you close it from time to time!!

Thank you so much for this precious little puppy!  We are all completely in love.  :-)

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