
Monday, November 21, 2016

Update on Pukah and Penny

I just received an update from Pukah and Penny's "mom".   What fun it is to hear their news!  Thank you for sending this update!
Pukah (front) and Penny (back)

I can't believe that Penny is almost 11 months old now! She is all grown up and is 16 lbs right now - but we note that she is slightly barrel-shaped so we'll definitely be working on a more svelte figure for her by swimsuit season, ha! I'm pretty sure she could stand to lose a pound or two, so that weight will probably change. As you can see from the picture with me though, she is pretty sure we are trying to starve her to death. Every time I have any food, she crawls up, tries to pretend she's only there to cuddle and groans softly as though the life is slowly draining out of her. I'm not buying it!

Truly though, she is the sweetest little dog I've ever known. Super playful (she drives Pukah crazy!) and really funny - and stubborn! Teaching her to obey has been more challenging than with Pukah but she's really pretty well-behaved anyway (except for that begging!). She and Pukah are fast friends and spend the whole day in a nap/wrestle/nap/wrestle schedule. They are really fun to watch.

As you can see from the other photo, they both like to take their naps with mom - those are my legs under there. I need a bigger chair! 

Have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas!

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