
Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Update on Leo

Hi Mary,

I hope all is well with you and yours.  I realize I haven't sent you any photos of Leo recently.  He is 9 months old now and at last weigh-in about a month ago, he is 9.3 lbs (maybe just maybe he'll hit 10)  He is a perfect size for me :-)

He is a real character but maturing nicely. A real sweetheart -- can't pass a stranger or another dog on our walks without stopping to say hello or he whines and carries on mercilessly.  But as soon as he gets to say hi, he's content to trot (prance) along...

He believes it is his mission to keep our yard safe from squirrels and birds and to pull all the kitchen towels down from the towel bars.  he has several favorite perches on our sofas and chairs and loves to hide his chew toys under the throw pillows.

Here are some of his best photos from the Spring.  We've taken a break from dog training due to crazy kids schedules but hope to get back to it this summer/fall.

Love this little guy!


Hi Jen!  Thanks for all the awesome photo and update!   Sound like Leo is really doing great! I am so thrilled to hear the good news.  I love his Teddy bear haircut!   So cute!  Thank you for sharing this update with us!


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