
Friday, July 28, 2017

Update on a Mini Schnoodle Puppy --- Woody

This update was sent this summer from one of our new families:

Hi Mary,

I just wanted to send you a quick update on Woody and some pictures from yesterday.  He has truly been the perfect puppy and we are so deeply in love with him already!   My daughter said yesterday was the best day of her life!   Woody is a happy friendly, playful, tail wagging, kiss giving little bundle of joy!

My daughter was exhausted last night from the excitement of the day and actually asked to go to bed, which never happens ha ha!

We put Woody in her bedroom in the playpen with the Ugodog tray, a dog bed, a water bowl and the blanket from your house.  He settled right in and slept through the entire night!  I slept in my daughters bedroom with her so I could keep an eye on him overnight, but he was amazing!  And I was shocked.  I didn't expect it to be so easy!

Woody did great at the vet yesterday and of course got a great check up.  He even fell asleep in my daughters arms in the exam room.  So sweet!

 One of our greyhounds immediately accepted him and was completely unphased by him joining our family.   The other one is not quite so sure and still needs a  little more time to adjust.  But we will get there!   Woody used the potty tray overnight so we didn't have to take him out in the middle of the night.  But otherwise he has gone potty outside every time like a good boy.  He is not eating full meals yet and only eats about half a meal so far.  I'm not too concerned yet since he's only been here for one day and his whole world is brand new now..  Anyway I dont think our first day could have gone any smoother.  He is such a wonderful addition to our family.

Thanks again!

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