
Thursday, January 18, 2018

Zoey's Puppies at 3 and 4 weeks

Pippa in the purple collar watches her brother play.

So much happens between the 3rd and 4th week.   The puppies activity become so much more like what you expect puppies to be.  Just mini little doggies.   They start exploring their pen.   They start playing with one another.  As they start climbing on one another you will hear their tiny yips and barks, and pathetic little growls....which makes me want to laugh..."Oh you are so scary"   Ha ha!

Buddy gets tackled by Teddy

We introduced food (or rather puppy food mush) to the puppies at 3.5 weeks.   It was a gradual introduction where we let them smell and taste it,  but there wasn't much being eaten.  After a few days they had figured out what this was for and started running to the bowl when we put it down.

Flynn in the green collar investigates the new food.
Another important milestone of the 3rd week is that the puppies start leaving their bed to go potty.   They no longer need their mothers licking them to help them eliminate.   Now they can go on their own.   They walk out of their bed and the Ugodog potty tray is right there to catch the mess.  I am so grateful for the invention of the puppy potty tray.   It sure makes my life as a dog breeder so much easier.   It also keeps the puppies and their pen so much cleaner which  means potty training is easier than it every use to be!

The fourth week has no new milestones to report.   But the puppies just get better and better at everything they were learning in the 3rd week.  And they get so much bigger and smarter.  Every week these puppies make so much progress it is astonishing!

Teddy at 4 weeks old

Buddy at 4 weeks old

Flynn at 4 weeks old

Pippa at 4 weeks old.

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