
Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Introducing Winnie the Pooch!

I would like to introduce Winnie for the first time.   She is one of our four Schnauzer girls who we breed for Schnoodle puppies.   Winnie is expecting her first litter very soon.

Winnie is 18 lbs and stands at 14 inches at her shoulders.   Her fur is very thick, soft and wavy.   Her coat is gorgeous, but when it is kept long it does need to be brushed 2-3 times a week to prevent knots from forming.

I took these photos a few weeks ago.  Winnie is expecting her first litter, but was not overly round, that she still looks nice in photos...

Winnie is what I would call "smitten" with me.   She follows me everywhere and when I sit down she is the first to leap into my lap.   She turns her body to face mine, so she can gave lovingly at me.   It is absolutely precious.   I think I am smitten with Winnie too!   

Winnie is super responsive to training.    When I took her to puppy classes she was a stand out in the class.  The trainer would show her once what she was asking and that was just about all it took.  I had a few different trainers over the course of her classes and they all were rather amused with how incredibly focused she was.   Other dogs in the class were all ADHD...but not Winnie.  She sat there with her gaze fixed on me waiting to find out what was next.  When the trainer was showing something to another dog, she would watch them so she would know what she would need to do next.   What a fun dog to train!!!

The photos below are what Winnie looked like at 5 weeks of age.   What a baby she was!

These next photos are not so clear, but I thought they were useful.
This first photo shows Winnie being held by my 6' 4" son.   He picks her up like a Teddy Bear, and  she is the biggest of all my girls.

This last photo is what Winnie looks like in her long Winter coat.   She is like a Sheepdog with all that fur!

Finally I want to share all the funny names we call Winnie.   Her registered name is "Winnie the Pooch".  

My 8 year old calls her "Winnie Wheats" since his favorite cereal is Mini Wheats.   

I like to call her  "Winnie Widi Wici" which is the Classical pronunciation for "Veni Vidi Vici", a quote from Julias Caesar meaning, "I came, I saw, I conquered!"   Now my son did not believe me that you pronounce V's as W's in classical Latin...but it is true!    (and I think this quote fits Winnie perfectly!)

Winnie was bred with Blaze (our awesome Red Mini Poodle)  on Mar 26, 2018.   Her due date is May 28, 2018.   She is now past her due date, so we are expecting puppies to arrive any day now!  We are super excited to share the story of Winnie's Schnoodle babies.  These will be the highest quality Schnoodle puppies you can find.  They will be beautiful, super smart and well socialized in an active household. We are so excited to see the new babies!  Be sure to check back for updates!

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