
Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Winnie's Litter born June 1

A few hours after giving birth to 6 puppies, Winnie needs to sleep.
I am so excited to share the news that Winnie had her litter of puppies!   The litter was born Friday night, June 1, 2018.   There were 6 puppies in all....4 girls and 2 boys.  Yah for girls!   Not that I have anything against boys.  But I do believe this is the first time in my history of Schnoodle breeding that I have actually had more girls than boys!   It was uncanny how the boy genes always won out.   So yes, we have lots of little girl puppies.  And I am sure it will make some of our customers very happy!

The puppies came super quickly.  The first 4 pups were born every 15 minutes, and the last 2 puppies were born 30 minutes apart.   2 hours for 6 puppies is a very fast delivery!    Happily the little darlings are all very healthy and strong.   They had no problems finding their way to their mom, and started nursing as soon as they were born.  

Winnie is a very good mom.  She keeps her puppies very close to her.   I love this picture as you see one little puppy has snuggled up under Winnie's chin.  So sweet!

Look at that tiny face!

It took a few days to actually get a photo of the whole group of puppies (below) since Winnie was hovering over them so closely.   Yesterday when Winnie ran outside to use the potty, I finally got a photo where you can see all of the pups side-by-side.   I labeled the boys so you could see which pups were what gender.

I am so pleased that the puppies were all born without any trouble, and that the whelping went so smoothly.   Thank the Lord for a safe and healthy whelping!

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