
Friday, March 29, 2019

6 week Schnoodle Puppies - Crystals litter

   What is really amazing about the 6th week of a puppies life ...

is how playful they become.  Suddenly the puppies are all alive with energy and fun.  They are running around, eating puppy food, wrestling with one another and playing with toys. 

The puppies have entered the Litter Socialization stage where the puppies time together is super important.   They learn about puppy play and how to interact with one another.   People socialization is also important at this age, ...but the majority of their time is spent playing together.   We wouldn't want to take a puppy away from his litter at this age.  At this point they have finally reached the developmental. ability to have serious puppy play time, but it only lasts for a few weeks before they have to go home.

This week is the official "weaning of the litter" when Crystal has stopped nursing her puppies.  The puppies are now eating dry puppy food, and drinking well from a bowl. The puppies sharp teeth are coming in and they are teething. 

Crystal still likes to check up on her babies.   And when she enters the room to sniff them through the pen, I immediately know something is up.  From the other room I hear the high pitch squeals (and you would be amazed how loud those little lungs can squeal!)  and I am a sucker every time.  I think, "Oh oh!   Something is wrong!"   I run in to check on the litter, and there she is.   Crystal kissing her babies through the pen.   And the babies are screeching like the world is coming to an end!   Feed me!   Feed me!

You might have experienced this in your own life....its just kids being kids.  ....I am hungry mom.  I haven't eaten in years!.....  But child, you have a bowl full of food!....  I am not hungry for that food!    Ha ha!    Babies are Babies folks.    So Mom sees that the kids are doing fine and goes back to her business and the puppies go back to playing and forget that they were starving just one minute before.  The nursery becomes peaceful once more.   It is pretty funny!

But I know you are waiting for to see photos!!!   So enough of the chatter.  Here are the puppies...looking like little angels.

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