
Thursday, September 26, 2019

Are Schnoodles Good for Allergies?

When people contact me to purchase a Schnoodle it seems that most of my customers are coming to me because they have heard that Schnoodles are good for allergies.    Although I cannot guarantee the results for each individual person, I can at least tell you that none of my customers have reported a problem with any of the puppies from my litters.  So I asked several of my customers to fill out a survey to give me some feedback about their experience with allergies and Schnoodles.  Here are the responses....

1)  Do you or another family member have allergies to dogs.   If so is it an adult or child (age of child) 

 I do have allergies, but I have not had a problem with my Schnoodle.

]2)  What symptoms does the allergic individual normally have around the typical dog.  Please be as detailed as you are able.  

Mine is mostly nasal congestion and Sinus problems.

3)  What symptoms does the allergic individual experience around your Schnoodle dog from Growing Puppies?  (Please be as detailed as possible.  Or state none if there are no symptoms)


4)  Would you recommend a Schnoodle to a friend who as allergies?


5)  What other comments would you like to share with people that have allergies?

When my boys were growing up we had a poodle.  The allergist said that the dog isn't always the problem but that dust can be carried in the dogs fur.  I have not had any problems with Bear.

   Hi, Mary!  Hope you are doing well.  The answers to the survey questions are below.  George is continuing to be such an awesome puppy.  He completed 3 weeks of puppy obedience school, and is such a joy to be around!  The care you put into choosing the right kind of dogs to breed is very evident in George’s temperament and intelligence.

1.  1)  Do you or another family member have allergies to dogs.   If so is it an adult or child?   Yes; my 11-year-old son is allergic to dogs

2. What symptoms does the allergic individual normally have around the typical dog?  
 He breaks out in hives if certain dogs lick him; the dander of other dogs bothers him enough to cause hives.

3.  What symptoms does the allergic individual experience around your Schnoodle dog from Growing Puppies?  None!

4.   Would you recommend a Schnoodle to a friend who as allergies?  We would definitely recommend a Schnoodle

5.  What other comments would you like to share with people that have allergies?
 We have had no problems with allergies since we brought our Schnoodle home.  My son is able to roll around with him, cuddle with him, let him lick him, and have him in his bed without any allergic symptoms.
We'd be glad to share with you our experience with our schnoodle, Ginger.  Our son is our allergic child.  He is 8 years old (he was 7 when we got Ginger).  His typical reaction to dogs of many different kinds was swelling/watering eyes, sneezing, extremely stuffy nose, sometimes hives and asthma attacks.  With Ginger, if he has any reactions at all, it has been much milder... like, an itchy eye and maybe a little stuffiness or sneezing.  But, even this has seemed to only happen with facial contact with her fur or saliva (when he wrestles or snuggles with her).  He doesn't seem to have any problems with her being in the house, on the furniture, or with petting her with his hands.  We have had better success by keeping her hair groomed on the shorter side and by brushing and bathing her regularly (I think this basically just helps with any environmental allergens/pollen that may attach to her fur when she's outside).  

We have loved Ginger!  She's been a lively and fun addition to our family, especially good at snuggling by the fireplace this time of year, and we feel like we've made no sacrifices on the allergy/health front either!

Thanks for contacting us!


1)  Do you or another family member have allergies to dogs? 

Adult.  I have allergies

2) What symptoms does the allergic individual normally have around the typical dog?

Typical symptoms are runny nose and watery eyes, which is generally made worse by being scratched.

3) What symptoms does the allergic individual experience around your Schnoodle?

I have not experienced any allergic symptoms around Wrigley and when I am around other dogs, I still have symptoms.

4) If you have allergic symptoms, what do you find helps reduce the symptoms?  N/A

5) Would you recommend a Schnoodle to a friend who as allergies?

Absolutely!  I picked this breed because I had a dog that I was allergic to my entire childhood.


Thanks you to all of you who responded to this survey!  Please feel free to keep my updated on your experience with owning a Schnoodle especially as it relates to your allergies.  This information will help future people to know if a Schnoodle is good for them.

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