
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An update on 11 mths old!

Casper now lives in Maryland with his owner Nadia.  She shared this bit of news..."Casper is a very lovable, and full of life. Romeo on the other hand is a mellow puppy, which works out well...
Currently Casper is 24lbs. and, he loves to talk ;-))"

Pictured here are Casper with brother Romeo.

Nadia shared this picture with us last July, when Casper was just recently introduced to his new brother and home.

Nadia also shared this...
"He (Casper) is doing real well... He is one smart cookie, full of life. He knows several words, and understand  hand gestures...
He sits, lays down and stands up on commends and loves his cookies...

Gets along with our cats and  Romeo real well... They have bonded with his brother imminently...

He is a good boy and we very happy to have him in our family..."