
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

An update on Charlie at 10 mths old!

I recently recieved an update on Charlie from his owner Anne-Marie.  She shared this cute story with me...."My dad got bit by a dog as a child so he has never really gotten along with dogs.  He always said he would NEVER allow a dog in his house.  To this day he always asks where charlie is, asks to watch him, takes care of him all day at the house if I have to go somewhere.  Goes EVERYWHERE in my parents house.  He can't get enough of him! :) My mom, nephew, and brother also can't get enough of him...makes me so happy...expect for the fact that they want to see him more then me I think ;) haha!!
He is definitely a mommas boy though.  He gets so upset when i leave and looks all over for me.  He is my baby and I don't know what I would do without him :)  Charlie is about 25 pounds! He is spoiled!!"

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