The period of time in a puppies life from 3 weeks to 8 weeks old is a very important time for them to socialize with their litter mates and their mother. Their mother corrects them with a Yip or a bark when they get out of line.
Their puppy play is fun and games, but also teaches them about how hard they can bite before it causes another puppy to squeal and other important lessons of interaction.
When you adopt your puppy, it is now your turn to continue to plan for the puppies socialization. At 8 weeks of age, begins the time when bonding with their family is of primary importance, this is the best time for a puppy to go to his new home. Bonding with your puppy is easy since you will spend a lot of time with him/her. You will replace his litter and he will want to be with you as much as you are able to be with him.
But spending his time with his own family is not enough. It is very important that you not forget to give your puppy the opportunity to interact with other dogs and people.
Do not take your puppy into public areas before they have completed their puppy boosters, but do invite friends over to visit your puppy and ask them to bring their friendly dogs that are up-to-date on their vaccinations.
A Puppy Kindergarten Class is a great way to schedule time into the puppies life, that not only teaches basic commands, but also allows them to socialize with other puppies and people. As soon as the shots are complete, it is highly advised that you take your puppy out whenever practical. Trips to the park, the Petstore, or any where where they can meet other people and pets, will help your puppy to grow up to be as friendly as when you first met him.
Dogs who are not taken into public except to see the vet, or groomer are likely to be suspicious of strangers, and even hostile. Why would a dog be positive about meeting people when at this critical stage the only strangers he saw gave him shots and did unpleasant things to him. In this current society, people live very busy lives and puppies are unlikely to get out much if we don't think ahead and plan for it.
Paying close attention to your puppies early socialization needs will ensure that your adult dog is the best he can be.
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