
Friday, October 2, 2015

Our Litter of Miniature Schnoodle Puppies Has Arrived!

2 boys and 2 girls...the lightest puppy is a boy.


Misty's litter is born!   2 boys and 2 girls!   The babies were born between 11:15 pm and 1:30 am. last night ...Oct 1, 2015.   The delivery was very smooth.  Yah!   The puppies are little skinny things...but they are very vigorous and strong.  They know how to find their mamma, their food, and keep warm.  And thankfully, they are nursing very well.   I am so grateful for a smooth delivery!


This puppy wants to find his mamma.  He will climb over any puppy that gets in his way!



Misty took her time getting up this morning.  I hand fed her and watered her, since she didn't seem to want to leave the puppies to eat.  After breakfast, when she had revived her energy, she jumped up and ran to the door.  I let her run outside to relieve herself.  As soon as she came in, I hurried to bath and dry her.  I knew she would not want to be away from her puppies too long.  But bathing her is also important, as it keeps the puppies environment clean....and as you can imagine....a white dog after delivery, is not a pretty sight!



 While Misty was taking a potty break this morning I put the puppies in a box with a heating pad.  Then I quickly cleaned out the whelping pool, and replaced the damp newspaper with a fresh Sherpa liner.   Ahh!  It makes me feel so much better knowing everything is fresh and clean again.  

The first 24 hours of life is the most crucial time for a puppy, as that is when the mortality rate is at its highest.  Nature equips the mother with the natural instinct to fuss over her puppies most especially at this time.  She is super protective, and rarely leaves their side.


For my part, I will keep the puppy room warm and free from drafts.  I also watch to see that the puppies are eating, and sleeping quietly.  Making sure the mamma is eating and drinking normally is also very important.   I do everything I can to pamper are mamma and babies.  Thankfully we have never lost a  puppy yet! 

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