
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Update on Jasper (aka Frosty)

Childhood JOY!  It just doesn't get any cuter than this!

I just got and update on Frosty, who was named Jasper.  He is a puppy from Coco's early summer litter.  I am so thrilled at all the beautiful photos that his family shared!   I have included a few in this post, and will share the others in later posts.   This way we can space out the fun!   

Here is the email I got from Jasper's Mom....


Hi Mary!

Its hard to believe how fast time has flown by.   Life with a puppy has kept us busy, this is for sure.  I have been meaning to send you periodic updates, but you know how things get...

Attached are two of the most recent photos of Jasper - before and after his haircut.  His fur had become so long and 'bed-head' like that it was covering up his darling eyes.  So it was time.  And he did GREAT!  The groomer was very happy with how well he behaved.

Before the Haircut.....
Now...if only he would behave so well during puppy classes!  In that setting, he is very distracted by all the other dogs and all the interesting smells and treats on the floor.  But when he can focus, he shows that he is a very smart boy.
After the haircut......

I sent a link to a few more photos of Jasper.  It is striking how quickly he has grown and changed.

----Jasper's Mom

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